"The party who doesn't believe in borders, differences between men and women, a baby's right to be born, etc. now wants to control what is and isn't "disinformation" online. "
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Here are other recent tweets from Paul A. Gosar:
"Proclaiming the Christian Faith as the truth and proclaiming Jesus Christ as our Lord must never be sacrificed for the sake of appearing less controversial." on April 28
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"105,000 Americans poisoned to death in 2021 alone from fentanyl being smuggled into our country through our southern border. That's 105,000 more reasons we should close our borders and 105,000 more reasons Biden should be removed from office." on April 27
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"Remember when our government sent planes to Afghanistan and brought over 100,000 Afghans in less than a week? We have in the range of 40 million illegal aliens in our country. Using trains, busses and planes the US could deport 115,000 illegal aliens every week." on April 27
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