Mohave County Sheriff's Office | CC0 Credits
Mohave County Sheriff's Office | CC0 Credits
The Mohave County Sheriff’s Office will be partnering with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Mohave County Environmental Rural Area Cleanup Enforcement (ERACE), State Trust, and other local agencies in an on-going effort to clean up our desert and investigate/prosecute illegal dumping. Each year more and more dumpsites are located, and litter scattered across our beautiful lands.
Sheriff Schuster is planning to conduct desert clean-up efforts, at minimum twice a year in different areas around the county. His goal is to identify and prosecute as many violators as possible to help curb the increase in illegal dumping. Of course, all local agencies will continue to address complaints of illegal dumping that occur throughout the year. This detail, by design, is to bring awareness of this ongoing problem and seek the public’s assistance.
“It is an outright shame that people are too lazy to dump their trash lawfully. They know it’s wrong, but they simply must not fear the consequences. We are going to try and change that. If we can identify those responsible, they will be held fully accountable and charged criminally. I will personally be out there working with our citizens and fellow officers, collecting, and digging through the trash! We may even post our Litter Bugs of the Week on our Facebook page to ensure they get the recognition they deserve.” said Sheriff Schuster.
Currently the Sheriff’s Office forwards most criminal dumping complaints to the Mohave County ERACE division. This division handles illegal dumping cases countywide throughout the year. The Sheriff’s Office and ERACE work well together and share a common goal.
Along with allied agencies that have offered their support, the Sheriff is reaching out for volunteers to assist in the clean-up portion of the detail. All equipment and supplies will be provided thanks to local donations. We will also provide lunch and plenty of water for all.
This clean up detail will be held on Saturday, January 14th around Bison Drive and Paso Del Oro Drive in Lake Havasu City. A safety briefing will be held by the Sheriff at 9:00 am at the pavement end of Bison. This is also where you will receive your supplies. A second day (Sunday) is optional, and the dumpsters will remain on site for those who wish to attend.
If you are interested in volunteering for this (or any other program), please sign up by calling (928)753-0753, Option 7. This will give us an idea of how many volunteers are coming, as we expect a large number.
Original source can be found here.